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Analysis Tools with Examples in one page format.

Analysis Tools with Examples in two page format.

Table of Contents of the whole file. (Just for reference.)

Old Course Sites
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Course Web Sites


Math 280 Website (Probability Theory) 2006-2007

Math 250C  (Differential Geometry) Spring 2005

Math 240  (Real Analysis) 2003 -- 2004

Math 240C: Spring 2002 (Graduate real analysis.)

Math 120A  (Complex Variables) Fall 2003

Math 231: (Partial Differential Equations)  2002-2003

Math 110 Web-Site (Introduction to Partial Differential Equations) Spring 2004

Analysis Book


Math 20E Requirement Fulfillment Exam Information

Old Course Sites
Home Curriculum Vitae Publications Invited Lectures Preprints & Notes My Student's Theses Math Links Maps Computer Help Old Course Sites Calendars UCSD Chair Issues


Course Web Sites


Math 280 Website (Probability Theory) 2006-2007

Math 250C  (Differential Geometry) Spring 2005

Math 240  (Real Analysis) 2003 -- 2004

Math 240C: Spring 2002 (Graduate real analysis.)

Math 120A  (Complex Variables) Fall 2003

Math 231: (Partial Differential Equations)  2002-2003

Math 110 Web-Site (Introduction to Partial Differential Equations) Spring 2004

Analysis Book


Math 20E Requirement Fulfillment Exam Information

Math 280C Home Page (Driver,S07)


280 Lecture Notes


Math 280C -- Probability Theory (Spring 2007) Course Information


Instructor:         Bruce Driver, APM 7414, 534-2648
Office Hours:    Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 -- 11:00 AM.

TA:                      Nate Eldredge, AP&M 5768.
Office Hours:    Thursday from 11:00 - 12:00 and 2:00 - 3:00 PM. (To be determined)

Meeting times:
MWF 9:00 -- 9:50 PM in  APM 7421.

Textbook:         Resnick, S. A Probability Path, Birkhauser, 1999.

Description: Math 280ABC is the fundamental graduate probability sequence. It covers measure theoretic probability essential for the pursuit of research in probability or in fields in which probability is used in applications. Topics to be covered include:

  1. Measure and integration from a probabilistic perspective.

  2. Basic probabilistic notions of random variables, expectation, independence.

  3. Limit theorems: laws of large numbers, convergence in distribution, central limit theorems.

  4. Martingale theory: conditional expectation, convergence theorems, optional stopping.

  5. Stochastic processes: a selection from random walk, Markov chains, Brownian motion, Markov processes, statistical mechanics, stable processes, stochastic integration.

Topics 1, 2, and part of 3 will be covered in Math 280A. The remainder of topic 3, and topics 4 and 5 will be covered in the subsequent two quarters of Math 280B, C. The text below will be supplemented with extra material for some topics such as Brownian motion.

Reserved Books: The following books have been put on reserve at the Science and Engineering Library.

1. Author Resnick, Sidney I
Title A probability path / Sidney I. Resnick
Published Boston : Birkhäuser, c1999

2. Author Billingsley, Patrick
Title Probability and measure / Patrick Billingsley
Published New York : Wiley, c1986
Edition 2nd ed

3. Author Durrett, Richard, 1951-
Title Probability : theory and examples / Richard Durrett
Published Belmont, CA : Thomson, Brooks/Cole, c2005
Edition 3rd ed


Jump to Bruce Driver's Homepage.                       Go to list of mathematics course pages.

Last modified on Monday, 02 April 2007 08:56 AM.


280 Lecture Notes
Home Homework 280 Lecture Notes Announcements


Click on the Link below to download the appropriate section of the lecture notes. 
(Remark: the later notes include the earlier versions of the notes with some additions and possible corrections.)

bullet Notes_N1.pdf -- (On limits and sums and basic probability notions. Expanded and updated on 9/27/2006.)
bullet Notes_N2.pdf -- (On finitely and countably additive measures. 10/5/2006)
bullet Notes_N3.pdf -- (On a baby version of Kolmogorov's extension theorem and on Random Variables. 10/13/06)
bullet Notes_N4.pdf -- (The pi-lambda theorem and Independence results.  10/25/06)
bullet Notes_N5.pdf -- (Integration notes:  part 1. --  11/2/06)
bullet Notes_N6.pdf -- (Integration notes:  part 2. -- 11/13/06)
bullet Notes_N7.pdf -- (L^p -- spaces and convergence in probability: 11/17/06)
bullet Notes_N8.pdf -- (Random Series and the Laws of Large Numbers: 1/8/07)
bullet Notes_N9.pdf -- (Weak Convergence I: 1/22/07)
bullet Notes_N10.pdf -- (Weak Convergence Revised and Extended: 1/29/07)
bullet Notes_N10b.pdf -- Minor corrections and update to Notes_N10.pdf .
bullet Notes_N11_2p.pdf and Notes_N11_1p.pdf -- Fourier Transform notes in two page and one page formats.
bullet Notes_N12_2p.pdf and Notes_N12_1p.pdf -- Fourier Transform and Central Limit Theorem Results completed.
bullet Notes_N13_2p.pdf and Notes_N13_1p.pdf -- Conditional Expectations and Related Material
bullet Notes_N14_2p.pdf and Notes_N14_1p.pdf -- Conditional Expectations and Related Material (updated and corrected.)
bullet Notes_N15_2p.pdf and Notes_N15_1p.pdf -- Discrete Martingale Results.
bullet Notes_N16_2p.pdf and Notes_N16_1p.pdf -- Discrete Martingale Results continued.
bullet Notes_N17_2p.pdf and Notes_N17_1p.pdf -- Discrete Martingale Results continued.
bullet Notes_N18_2p.pdf and Notes_N18_1p.pdf -- Martingale Examples and Applications
bullet Notes_N19_2p.pdf and Notes_N19_1p.pdf -- Random Fields
bullet Notes_N20_2p.pdf and Notes_N20_1p.pdf -- Kolmogorov's Theorems and Brownian Motion
bullet Notes_N21_2p.pdf and Notes_N21_1p.pdf -- More Brownian Motion and the Markov Property (updated, 5-9-07.)
bullet Notes_N22_2p.pdf and Notes_N22_1p.pdf -- Stopping times and more on the Markov Property.
bullet Notes_N23_2p.pdf and Notes_N23_1p.pdf -- The Strong Markov Property and Brownian Martingales
bullet Notes_N24_2p.pdf and Notes_N24_1p.pdf -- Continuous time (sub)martingales
bullet Notes_N25_2p.pdf and Notes_N25_1p.pdf -- Some Stochastic Calculus
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